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Monday, November 22, 2004

On Cell Phones and PHP
Given the merger/buyout/takeover of AT&T Wireless by Cingular, R3 and I looked into buying a "family" plan in the hopes of reducing our combined cell phone bill. Given the various requirements required of each of us and the variable variables (who says Rumsfeld speak is dead?), it looks like we're sticking with our current plans after all. In fact, the issue can be demonstrated via a PHP script:

while (PeteAndR3LookIntoCellPhonePlans) {
if (R3KeepsCurrentPhone) {
$compatibility_with_cingular_network = 0;
$failure = 1;
elseif (PeteWantsNewFancyPhone) {
$NewCallingPlan = 1;
$KeepCurrentPhoneNumber = 0;
$LowestPlanPrice = 39.95;
$failure = 1;
if ($failure) {
echo "Looks like you're stuck with your generation 1.0 cell phone, Pete. At least the current plan is pretty good and reasonably priced.";

Minutiae and so forth
For those faithful readers desperate for an update on the new tar: the tar has DRIED!!! Next, they've been sealing the front and rear patio decks. We were informed that ours would be done on November 4, but that didn't happen. Plus, it rained soon after that. They first had to power wash the concrete (which meant dragging everything inside hurriedly...it's a good thing Pete's at home all day), then caulk the gaps between the concrete and the apartment. Then came the plastic sheets to protect the back patio from more rain (didn't really work). Then we waited another few days for them to lay a coat of primer on the concrete. Waited three days for that to dry before they came back a couple of days ago to paint a coat of paint and cover it with a layer of black asphalt-like granules. Waited for that to dry over the weekend. Today they're applying another coat of paint on top of the granules and then they're done. We should be able to move the plants from living room back onto the patio by the middle of the week. I also got to practice my Spanish with the workmen, though once I opened my mouth they assumed I speak fluently...

Newest fun has been getting an Airport wireless card for my old laptop (well, the cost wasn't too fun). Now it serves as the living room internet station and music receiver. Our TV has A/V inputs on the front and the whole streaming iTunes library concept works swimmingly, and it's nice to have music in the main part of the apartment again (the iMac connected to the actual music library drive was moved to the office room a few months ago). Plus, I've been gradually ripping the classical music collection and thus greatly adding to the variety of music we can access from the laptop. On the other hand the most recent Airport 4.1 update has severely curtailed the strength of the iMac's wireless abilties. While this hasn't affected the iTunes streaming, it has cut the iMac's general network speed by half (at least). Granted, the DSL connection here in Stockton has always been about 75% of what it was in L.A., and the iMac is five walls and a mirror away from the router, but laptop-to-iMac transfers are disturbingly glacial. It's all generally livable for the time being, if somewhat annoying.

Still unable to secure meaningful employment and have suffered a constant stream of rejections, even for positions that duplicate or combine aspects of my previous work. But that's all I mention about that. Or the broken thermostat that's kept the apartment at a chilly 58 degrees.

Spent most of last week in Seattle attending the annual AMS meeting. It was a fine meeting, but it was most valuable as a mini-vacation (even though I got the latest job rejection via cell phone just as I was entering a session). Caught up with many of the UCLA gang whom I hadn't seen since June (or earlier) and general pleasantness was had. Seattle seems like a great town, particularly the downtown area, and we escaped the clouds and rain that are generally part of the northwest experience (it rained kangaroos and beavers in Stockton while I was away). Next up is SAM in February in Eugene, OR. Not too many UCLA-related folks are speaking but we do have a large number of session chairs, so that's something I suppose.

El Fin. 
