A quickie
Just a quick note to satiate your thirst for news.
• So looking forward to a weekend getaway in Cambria starting
tomorrow. It's been a long and grueling spring (though productive!) and we're
both ready for a break, and for summer.
• We have a Ports mini plan again this year, after taking last
year off (no workie, no baseball-ie). In the interim we filled our time with
more...refined...outings such as singing in the opera, writing about the
symphony, reviewing theatuh, etc. So, coming back to the ballpark was a
little strange. Completely different crowds for the most part. Unfortunately,
the Ports are a floundering, uninspiring bunch this year, and with the novelty
of the new stadium worn off (beautiful though it is! the stadium I mean, not
the novelty), it's a little hard to stay past the seventh inning. It's L.A. of
us, but the games are soooo looooooong. Whaaaaah.
• Work's been good, I have to say. It's annual review time right
about now, and my review was transcendent. I knew it would be. I've been
planning all year for it to be as such. I'm that good. Seriously. It's
all about vindication. It'll be posted on the refrigerator. Ok. Back to
• Had my first speaking engagement on the book, or at least a
chapter. Goron the Tall invited me to speak to his Writing About Music class.
Had a lovely time with his students and then an even lovelier time with Mr.
Tall's Woman and Offspring. Rode in Woman's Prius, first time in one of those
and I finally understood what the point is, and, sad to say, I'm not really
sold. Offspring and I had a nice chat about school and Dora. She's a
• Looking forward to also to a plethora of family reunion-type
events in July. One weekend for the Runners and two weekends later in Illinois
for the Pillsburys. Pete and his middle brother haven't been back to the
homestead in around 20 years, so it should be good. We're planning on spending
about four or five extra days in the area, maybe visit Wisconsin since neither
of us (Pete especially) has been to that state.
Good enough?
Posted: Fri - May 25, 2007 at 09:47 PM