Who knew there was a freeway down in south Los Angeles by the port?
Today I drove down to see CA 47 and, after I read about its existence, CA 103.
Both are down by the big
Port of Los Angeles
in the San Pedro area near the southern end of the 110 freeway, and this was the
first time I'd been down that way. I'd always wanted to drive the southern part
of the 110 but until today I never really had the chance (or burning
Basically, CA 47 begins at the
Thomas Bridge, at the end of the 110, but I decided to pass up the
exit for a bit and continue into
Pedro to see what it's all about. Very nice, very hilly, and there's
a great overlook at the top of Gaffey street to view the port. 'Twas a bit
overcast today so my view wasn't as spectacular as it might otherwise have been,
but I was still impressed. Moreover, it felt kind of weird to be looking at a
part of Los Angeles I'd never seen before. Driving back down the hill I took a
little detour down to the water and
Beach (check out the way cool web cam on the site!), a city park.
Very cool little place right on the breakwater of the
Finally, I got back on the road to the Vincent Thomas Bridge
and drove over it. It goes right by the cruise ship docks so you can get a good
view of those massive ships. The bridge is quite large and it provide a great
view once the weather clears up a bit. Once over the bridge there's a turn-off
to CA 103, a short stretch of two-lane freeway that heads north out of the port
area. However, today the northbound lane was closed when I arrived. Two CHP
cars were sitting just sitting there behind the barrier and I thought perhaps it
had something to do with Sept. 11. When I noticed that the southbound lanes
were still open I grew even more confused. By this time I had ended up in Long
Beach and headed north on the 710, and I figured I could get off the 710 and cut
back on surface streets to the 103. Well, I did make it to the 103 and was able
to get on the southbound 103 about a mile from its end at CA 47 (I basically
went in loops all day -- I wish I had a map to show you). I then got back on
the 47 toward the 710 because I really wanted to go
north on 103 at least
once and I thought I could maybe get on the north 103 via a street called
Anaheim street (an exit on the 710 as well). Made my way off the 710 along
Anaheim street toward the 103 and thought I was home free when I saw that that
northbound entrance was
also blocked by a CHP patrol car. Totally
confused as to why the northbound 103 was closed while the southbound 103
remained open, I once again got on the southbound 103 to make the loop and try
yet another entrance father north. However, at this point I saw a regular car
go past me on the north 103 and I thought, "hmm. I wonder if it's open now?"
Sure enough, as I came to the intersection with the 47 the CalTrans truck had
just removed the road barriers and the CHP guys were gone. So at the next green
light I flipped a U-turn and headed north on the 103. Yay! (and there was much
The 103 is rarely used (the much bigger 710 is just to
the east) and it was empty today. Very nice to have a whole two-lane freeway to
oneself. Interestingly, when you first get on the north 103 at the 47, the
signs say "North CA 47" for about a mile, and then all of sudden, in the middle
of the stretch, you see a sign "BEGIN CA 103." No intersection, nothing. The
road just changes its name from CA 47 to CA 103. Imagine of the 405 suddenly
changed to (oh, I don't know) 315. Wouldn't that be a good time giving
directions to out-of-towners! Anyway, very strange little
Useful links:
page on CA 47/103www.cahighways.org pages on
47 and