Watching Mars
First, it's a bit strange to put this entry in the "Nuthin' Special"
category, but that's the way it goes. I just wanted to offer a quick
congratulations to the JPL team for the perfect landing of the Opportunity rover
this evening. Clearly, this isn't just any ol' project! I happened to check my
Yahoo! news page just after the landing and immediately clicked over to
JPL's Mars rover web
site, and then fired up the NASA TV link in time to catch the
beginning of the official news conference in Pasadena. Very neat to watch
indeed. Lots of cheering, applause, and excitement. Right now, I'm watching
the 2:00 a.m. update. Everything is going perfectly with the rover (in fact
it's going better than that, if that's possible). The geologists are simply
gushing with enthusiasm about the landing site (the soil, the appearance of
bedrock -- the first image of Martian bedrock, etc.). Even better, we're
getting to see the first images from Opportunity, and even the first color image
at the same time as the geologists.
Posted: Sunday - January 25, 2004 at 04:22 PM