Business Cards
So, in my effort to build a recognizable and easily identifiable "brand"
image now that I'm looking for work, I've decided I need business cards. There
are free services out there (
that will print you 200-250 basic business cards, but you have to work within
their templates. Most of the templates are structured for people who actually
have jobs, so those of us who are "in transition" either need to work with the
inherent structure of the template or go somewhere else. I did try to work
within the inherent structure of the template, but combined with the somewhat
blasé free designs, my "situation" didn't seem to map well
So I downloaded a shareware program called
Business Card Composer. It's
remarkably flexible and smart, allowing you to import background images, lighten
them, make them black and white, etc. There are also very smart drawing tools
and text tools (for instance, changing fonts on the entire business card is very
easy). Overall I'm impressed with this app, and I'll probably pay for it. This
is important because in order to use the online business card services with your
own art work, you gotta pay. Thus, I need to pay for the software ($39.95 to
remove the "unregistered" mark from the final image) and then pay for the
business card people to print my art work. I know, I know, I could just pop
down to the local office supply store and buy some business card paper, re-make
the art work in Fireworks, import everything into Word, and then print it
myself. The biggest problem with all that (aside from the tedious
reconstruction of the art work) is that I don't have a color printer that's good
enough. The online people will laser it on nice paper, which is better than the
cheapo Avery paper I'm sure.
So, after all that explanation, here's
what I've come up with (please excuse the fuzziness and de-saturation of the
Posted: Friday - October 17, 3 at 03:07 PM