Category Image Online librarians 


Just used UCLA's online librarian again, and it's really cool. It's basically a web chat application and it works with Safari. Yesterday I used the LAPL's service as well. Interestingly, LAPL's service doesn't actually put you in touch with a LAPL librarian. Instead, LAPL participates in a nationwide online librarian service where librarians from all over the country "man the phones" to answer questions. For instance, I was asking about something in LAPL and was chatting with a librarian from Massachusetts. So, I was in L.A. connected to a woman from Massachusetts who was searching the catalog at LAPL. It actually felt a little weird once I realized that she probably knew about as much of the LAPL catalog system as I did, and I probably should have just used the catalog myself. I didn't trouble her too much though.

Still, I think the idea of online librarians is very cool. 

Posted: Tuesday - December 09, 3 at 03:06 PM          
