Category Image's alternate universe 


This afternoon, at 1:12 pm PST I received a notification from that my latest order had finally shipped. Cool, I thought. It's about time, since I ordered the stuff in December. However, I opted to take them up on their "spend $25 and the shipping is free" offer and I knew it would slow the actual transit of the package (5-9 business days is what it says), but I was surprised to find that it also seems to slow the processing of the shipment.

Anyway, got the shipping email this afternoon and then I went and got the car washed. When I got home (about five minutes ago -- never let it be said that Pete isn't up-to-the-minute with this stuff!), lo! There's the Amazon package! Not more than 200 minutes had elapsed since I received the shipping notice. Pretty cool I think. :)

For those of wondering what I ordered (why you'd ever wonder such a thing is beyond the scope of this blog, but I am here to serve after all), here's the packing manifest:

1 Best of Metallica -- Transcribed Full Scores (will no doubt be blogging about this one)
1 Office of Strategic Influence [Audio CD]
1 Fade to Bluegrass: Tribute to Metallica [Audio CD]

Posted: Tuesday - January 13, 2004 at 03:04 PM          
